Anyone know where the reset button is?

Reset switchAnyone around me or unfortunate enough to keep in touch on Facebook or Twitter you’ll know I’ve been under the weather lately and moaning about it. A lot. Coz I hate being sick.

It started as an annoying headcold about 3 weeks ago that just would’t shift which is out of character for me. This time last week it all got ickier with swollen tonsils threatening to morph into scarlet fever and feeling completely miserable.

A week on and coming to the end of a week’s supply of anti-biotics I’m still feeling quite manky. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken any so I guess I’ve forgotten what they do to a body but reckon it can’t be just down to that.

I knew I had veered off the tracks a little a few weeks back and swore I was going on a no junk no booze detox for the duration of Lent at least. Energy was lower, the headcold had arrived and my skin was going to the dogs. But now I’ve realised it’s simply got to happen.

Time to hit reset. My GP told me my immune system is pretty fried so that’s number 1 to get back on track. Time to start eating healthier, getting outdoors more and taking proper time out. In short a fairly substantial lifestyle revamp.

It won’t be easy but I’m going to give it my best shot and hopefully build myself up in all ways for Ken’s challenge of “30 days of home cooking” in April.

If anyone’s got any tips I’m all ears!

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