Let’s break a world record at SPWC Dublin this weekend

They say pictures can paint a thousand words. I agree. The photo on the right sums up the awesomeness SPWC Cork perfectly! If you’d like to be similarly shocked, awed and amazed then you should get your ass into Merrion Square this weekend for the Dublin leg of the biggest yet Street Performance World Championships.

While you’re there (and speaking of asses) you might also fancy a go at getting into the Guinness Book of World Records. The SPWC crew and 1500 hopping mad people from all over come to take part in our attempt to break the world record for the most people on simultaneously hopping on space hoppers.

Up for it? Then just send your name and email to worldrecord@spwc.ie. It’s all happening on Sunday at 2pm on Upper Mount Street. More info available here.

Fire Guy

It’s going to be a super fun and busy weekend for kids of all ages, from 5 to 95. Bring your camera, maybe something to sit on and soak up the atmosphere in Merrion Square over the weekend. Full timetables and info on who’s performing is available on the blog at spwc.wordpress.com/dublin.

See you there!

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