Tag Archives: habits

Resolutions, hopes & facing fears


Nearly 2 weeks into the new year and the cobwebs are finally being shaken off and new routines are in the early days of being forged.

For starters I’m out of the 12 hour sleep routine I fell into at Xmas. I just don’t run well on over-sleeping, it’s like a hangover after one too many G & Ts. So out with that and in with an early start.

The snow and ice of December made going to the gym both tricky and less attractive and as a result I ended up going maybe 3 times. The lapse made going back all the more daunting and painful. But it’s a start and I’m dangling a couple of nice carrots in the distance to try keep up the momentum.

As part of my resolution to upskill in as many ways as I can I’m tackling a skill that I have failed to conquer before. Swimming. I grew up by the sea and took lessons when I was 12 but unfortunately didn’t grasp it. I am petrified at the prospect of it and almost as jelly-legged at the prospect of getting into a swimsuit. I wouldn’t be surprised if I bail after the first one but hopefully not doing it alone will lessen the odds.

So far not so bad I guess for the early days of 2011. Fingers crosses the enthusiasm keeps up for at least as long as it takes to turn these changes into habits :-)

How are you doing?