Good times for a change…

Delights of my postbox
Delights of my postbox

Today thus far for me has been threatened by negativity – from the dude on the bus who had Colm & Jim Jim on loudspeaker to the rotten weather to the horrible stats on the news about the projected rate of unemployment. All nasty. So I’m going to try counteracting all this with positive stuff, starting with what I found in my postbox last night, including some fantastic gifts from my 60-something year-old landlord who just got back from NYC who knows I’m pro-Obama and have a funny sense of humour like their own.

1. Obama ‘Change’ Chocolate – I can’t wait to see if his face is embossed on it

2. National Achievemints – “For Powerfully Fresh Breath”, date stamped with the date of Obama’s inauguration

3. Tickets for U2 at Croke Park in July

4. A cheque from a friend for one of said tickets 

So what other positives are out there today? My Twitterstream has been pretty fruitful thus far with jobs been advertised for, Amazon & Zerogrey at the Digital Hub and Cawley-Nea. Peter got 4 eggs from 4 hens yesterday too which is great news :)  So what’s your good news?

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