Category Archives: Random

Hypertext bento box

Handy icon set
Some icons from 'Handy' icon set

So here we are, 1st of May, first ‘proper’ bank holiday of the year already upon us. Anyone else scared/shocked at how quick the year is passing?

A businessman in the UK by the name of Mr.Hindley has bought the cottage featured in Withnail & I and promised to restore it for fans of the film – awesome!

‘Handy’ icon set free for personal & commercial use at Webdesigner Depot

If I haven’t spammed you already, X Communications are now Facebook-ing here.

Future of Web Design is currently on in London & the very talented Sabrina Dent was up yesterday giving her talk ‘Throwing Client Collaboration Out the Window: The Stalinist Web Design Model’. She’s back blogging again which is awesome & has a post up about her FOWD experience.

Some messing on yesterday has resulted in the launch of a new campaign site.

I’m off to Cork tomorrow to soak up the delights of the 55th Cork International Choral Festival. I’m planning to meet some of the organisers to find out more about the history of the festival & chat about getting the event out into the great wide interweb next year with blogging & all sorts of madness. If you’re about Cork over the next few days & are free for a coffee, drop me a tweet or an email or if you have my number that works too!

Song for the day is Did Ye Get Healed by Van Morrison, have a listen & get yer fingers clickin’:

Happy long weekend tout le monde :)

Good times for a change…

Delights of my postbox
Delights of my postbox

Today thus far for me has been threatened by negativity – from the dude on the bus who had Colm & Jim Jim on loudspeaker to the rotten weather to the horrible stats on the news about the projected rate of unemployment. All nasty. So I’m going to try counteracting all this with positive stuff, starting with what I found in my postbox last night, including some fantastic gifts from my 60-something year-old landlord who just got back from NYC who knows I’m pro-Obama and have a funny sense of humour like their own.

1. Obama ‘Change’ Chocolate – I can’t wait to see if his face is embossed on it

2. National Achievemints – “For Powerfully Fresh Breath”, date stamped with the date of Obama’s inauguration

3. Tickets for U2 at Croke Park in July

4. A cheque from a friend for one of said tickets 

So what other positives are out there today? My Twitterstream has been pretty fruitful thus far with jobs been advertised for, Amazon & Zerogrey at the Digital Hub and Cawley-Nea. Peter got 4 eggs from 4 hens yesterday too which is great news :)  So what’s your good news?

In the meme time.

I spotted this via Rick‘s blog last week & toyed with the idea of entertaining it. It won.

Here are the rules:

1) Put the link of the person who tagged you on your blog. [nobody, just got tired of waiting...does this break the memeness? sorry if it does! >:) ]
2) Write the rules.
3) Mention 6 things or habits of no real importance about you.
4) Tag 6 persons adding their links directly.
5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.

So here we go:

1. I have fallen arches & thus I wear odd insole things in most of my shoes.

2. I wanted to be a botanist for most of my 14th year.

3. I’m convinced I was born later than I was supposed to, roughly about 5-8 years too late.

4. I suffer from some weird vertigo or something that makes going up/down more than one flight of stairs frightening & I break a sweat in terror.

5. I used to be good at sean nós singing, like have medals n plaques n stuff. You can stop laughing now.

6. I chew the inside of my mouth & wish I would stop.

Je tag Stu, Andrea, Darragh, Peter, Mark and Claire.