Tag Archives: jackl

Jack L – ten years on

So I’m going up to Vicar St later to hear Jack L belt out some tunes with the backing of a band and a gospel choir. It should be mega.

I also just realised this morning that it’s 10 years to the date since the first Jack L gig I went to.

Before you brand me a nut/stalker/psycho fan (well, not the bad sort) I remember by association with another event. It was for my best buddy’s 15th birthday celebration. Shame I haven’t a similar excuse for the 40-odd other times I went to hear him crooning after that :)

I’m reeling a little at the thought of it being so long since that occasion. It’s significant in so many strange ways, like the fact that it’s responsible for me getting into the business of designing and building websites (my first was a fan community website), made me fall in love with live music and allowed me to meet some brilliant people some of whom I still call friends today. He introduced me to the music of Jacques Brel, Sinatra, Jeff Buckley and made me feel a little less ridiculous about getting up and singing in public, something I got plenty of slagging for while still in school.

It’s been a good ten. Where does the time go?!

Yeah yeah, still a bit of a fangirl I'm afraid